Syllabus for B.Ed

Candidates are required to appear in an entrance exam conducted by various independent universities and top institiutes for pursuing a career in teaching and related fields. The entrance exam for admission to the course is generally held in June-July. So, candidates must be aware about B.Ed syllabus in detail. The course’s syllabus for two years is listed below. 
Name of the courseTopics CoveredDescription
Core Courses
Basics in EducationEducation Nature and Purpose, Knowledge and Knowing, Forms of knowledge and its organization in schools, autonomy of teacher and learner, education and values.This course deals with providing the conceptual understanding of aspects related to teacher- education.
Learner and LearningLearner as a developing individual, development and learning, theoretical perspectives on learning, learning in constructivist perspective, individual differences among learners.This paper deals with the idea of individual development of the student in understanding the basics required to be teachers.
Schooling, Socialisation and IdentitySocialization and development of self, emergence or ‘person’ and ‘identity’, schooling and identity formation: a critical study, coping with social complexities: role of education, evolving and identity as a teacher.This paper deals with the issues related to school and the social environment essential to the understanding of a teacher.
Pedagogy Courses
Subject Knowledge and the Related Pedagogic Dimensions (Part I) (Subject: 1 Science– Biological/Physical /Maths/SS/ Language–Hindi/ English/Urdu/ Sanskrit/other region-specific lang.)Pedagogy of mathematics, social sciences, biological sciences, physical science, language (English, hindi, urdu, Sanskrit)This course deals with the understanding of subjects through a pedagogic approach. This is the basic level of subject knowledge and deals with the theoretical study of these subjects in the light of the pedagogic requirements.
Subject Knowledge and the related Pedagogic Dimensions (Part I) including Understanding Teaching Learning Situations (Subject: 1 Science–Biological/ Physical /Maths/SS/LanguageHindi/ English/Urdu/Sanskrit/ other region-specific lang.)-This is the extension of the previous course; it provides a hands-on experience to the students in real life classroom situation.
Assessment for LearningOverview of assessment and evaluation, what is to be assessed, assessment of subject-based learning, teacher competencies in evolving appropriate assessment tools, data analysis, feedback and reportingThis course provides an understanding on the importance of assessment, and the basics of how to effectively plan the assessment in any academic year.
Learning to Function as a teacherEngaging with narrative and descriptive accounts, engaging with popular subject-based expository writing, engaging with journalistic writing, engaging with subject- related reference books, engaging with educational writing.This course is an experiential course which fully focuses on the learning of the subject areas in classrooms.
Developing Teacher Sensibilities
Strengthening Language Proficiency -As the name suggests, this paper deals with the effective communication on the part of the teacher during the classroom teaching.
Health and Physical EducationTheory based on concepts of holistic health, collective responsibility, understanding the body, food and nutrition, physical fitness, role of institutions.It is an integrated understanding of health, diseases and fitness among children and encouraging healthy habits among them.
Exploring Library and Other Learning ResourcesLibrary policies, library as a resource, types of books, locating information.This course aims at developing an understanding in the student-teacher to know how to best use the resources available in the library.
Education for PeaceUnderstanding peace as a dynamic social reality, understanding conflicts, personal-social processes, meditation, and transformation of conflict, empowerment of self through critical self reflection, orienting education for peace building, evaluation of the peace building processes.The aim of the course is to make the student-teacher understand the concepts of peace education through various processes. Practical activities are also taken up in this course.
Issues of Conservation and Environmental RegenerationImportance of conservation, community participation, consumerism and waste generation, environmental conservation, role of women.Conservation of the environment is one of the core areas of study in this course. The National Policy on Education makes the environmental education as one of the major courses in B. Ed.
General orientation of student- teachersInteraction with students, observation of various departments, on-site interaction with staff.This is a kind of on-site training mandatory for every student-teacher to learn about the practical experiences and application of the theoretical knowledge in the practical school atmosphere.
Core Courses
Curriculum and SchoolConcept of Curriculum, curriculum determinants and considerations, curriculum development, school: the site of curriculum engagement, curriculum implementation and renewal.The course aims at making the student-teacher understand the importance of a proper curriculum and how it is prepared and implemented.
Vision of Education in India: Concerns and IssuesNormative vision of Indian education, vision of education: four Indian thinkers, contemporary Indian schooling: concerns and issues, education and development, emerging global concerns and education.The focus of the course is to acquaint the student-teachers with the contemporary education reality.
Pedagogy Courses
Subject Knowledge and the Related Pedagogic Dimensions (Part II)(Subject:1 Science– Biological/Physical/Maths/SS/ Language-Hindi/English/Urdu/ Sanskrit/other region specific language)Pedagogy of mathematics, social sciences, biological sciences, physical science, language (English, hindi, urdu, Sanskrit)It is the advanced level course in pedagogy which deals with planning for teaching-learning, learning resources, assessment and evaluation and the professional development of teachers.
Subject Knowledge and the Related Pedagogic Dimensions (Part II) (Subject:1 Science–Biological/Physical/ Maths/SS/Language–Hindi, English/Urdu/Sanskrit/ other region-specific lang.) --
Assessment for LearningExamination system: a sociological and psychological analysis of the related issues, school-based assessment and evaluation: policies, practices and possibilities, examination reform efforts, directions for examination reform.This paper is necessary in understanding the various aspects related to assessments. The major focus is on the examination and evaluation system in schools.
Learning to Function as a teacherOn-site practical experience through various tasks.It is an internship program of about two and a half months where the teacher-students actually teach in a school.
Developing Teacher Sensibilities
Enriching Learning through Information and Communication TechnologyRelevance of ICT in education, visualizing learning situations using audio-visual and other media, use of computers in schools, visualizing technology supported learning solutions, Indian and international experience in ICT-aided learning.This paper is about the importance of ICT in education and focuses on the appreciation of the computer technology in learning processes.
Health and Physical EducationHuman body, diseases, dietary requirements, pollution, health hazards, games and sports, physical fitness, yogic practices.The paper deals with making the student-teacher understand the concepts related to health and healthy living.
Arts and AestheticsVisual arts and crafts, performing arts, appreciation of arts (theory).This paper is meant to bring out the creative aspects of the student-teacher through practical classes and theory of arts.
Gender Issues in EducationKey concepts, gender studies- paradigm shifts, gender, power and education, gender issues in curriculum, gender, sexuality, sexual harassment and abuse.This course deals with all the aspects related to the gender issues and how they relate in the educational field.
Addressing Special Needs in Classroom Paradigms in education of children with special needs, legal and policy perspectives, defining social needs, inclusive practices in classroom for all, developing support networks.It deals with the understanding of teaching techniques used for students with special needs.
ReportingWritten report and a presentation.During this session, the student-teacher has to make a report of all the understandings of the two year program and present it too.


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